Formulation is similar to each other and developed for installation of firebrick and clay flue lining in masonry fireplace and chimney installations. They are the product of choice for masonry bread ovens, fireplace and chimney installations (interior or exterior) or where moisture may be present in masonry chimney installation.
These dry-mix refractory mortars are made from high temperature cements and carefully selected aggregates that will not expand or tear the mortar apart when heated. Once dried, these products are non-water soluble and more acid resistant than any other type of product used in these applications. To order this and other Heat Stop products online, visit our authorized dealer at MyBuildingSupplyStore.com.
HEAT STOP-II is provided in a 10 lb. pail only.
HEAT STOP-50 is provided in a 50 lb. bag only.
For estimating purposes approximately 50 lbs. will lay up 100 firebricks (2 ½ inch thick) if joint thickness is 1/16 to 1/8 inch as recommended.
Joint thickness up to 1/2 inch is acceptable with this product and is quite common.
Add clean water (approximately 3/4 to 1 quart) for each 10 lbs. and mix thoroughly. No other additives required.
Cold water works best. Warm water quickens set time. Do not remix or retemper this product as you would with a regular mortar.
HEAT STOP-50 (50 lb. bag) yields approximately 60 lbs. of refractory mortar. This is the most economical per pound.
Meets and exceeds ASTM C-199, ASTM C-1283, ASTM E-136.
Meets and exceeds all local and national building codes including NFPA-211 and International Residential Codes, (1RC) and International Building Code (1BC) and etc.
Color with masonry mortar color if desired. Follow color manufacturer’s instructions as if using a regular masonry mortar.
Good for applications well over 2,000°F.