Insul Stick is a medium weight refractory castable product. It is an insulating product used to cast special shapes for woodstoves, fireplace hearths, walls, boilers, furnaces, and other high temperature applications.
Insul Stick dry mix is a masonry repair and restoration product ideal for smooth parging over firebrick in the fireplace smoke chamber. Combining insulating value and strength, Insul Stick meets ASTM E-136 requirements for sealing wall penetrations for utility passthrough. Available in a 5-lb and 20-lb pails, this versatile compound can be cast, parged, troweled or sprayed.
This castable weighs approximately 60 lbs. per cubic ft. and is shipped in 5 lb. and 20 lb. pails. For estimating purposes approximately 2.5 lbs. will cover one square ft. 1/2 inch thick.
Add clean water (3/4 to 1 qt.) for each 5 lb. and mix thoroughly. No other additives required.
May be cast, troweled, parged or sprayed.
Meets ASTM E-136, ASTM C-199.
INSUL STICK should be applied no thinner than 1/4 to 1/2 in. thick.
INSUL STICK will stick to most any non slippery surface and will strengthen any wall.
Good for applications well over 2000°F.
Use for repairs to brick, block, stone, clay flues and other clay products.
This product is non water soluble in service.